Battlefront II is going to be another pay2win shitfest. You basically earn loot crates according to your performance and you can also buy them with your own hard-earned cash.
Sounds fine, right? WRONG.
There's stat-boosting items in these crates that will PERMANENTLY make you stronger.. Like damage, health, ect.
So I can be some rich fucking nerd, right when this game launches I'll just waste a good thousand dollars on some loot crates.. Boost myself up and completely annihilate the fucking online multiplayer.
This is downright fucking stupid and casualized. I would rather have them give out just skins, emotes, and other customization options and maybe throw in some fucking BANTA SHIT, but no. They want casuals to feel like they're the masters of the fucking Universe with this garbage. This is pandering to the lowest common denominator.
And please don't say, "w-well you haven't played the game yet." Well, I got facts here and this garbage will churn out to millions of mindless Star Wars nerds and will eat this shit up, no matter the quality.